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Baked goods

We couldn't have a bake sale without your help!

Find the baker signup form here. (It's a Google doc, so try not to delete anything!) We'll have a couple of different drop-off times, to spread out the goods.


Please include a little ingredient card (see photo on right), so folks with allergies can be aware of what they're getting.


PLEASE NOTE: Donations must be vegan (free of all animal products, including: honey, eggs, animal milk, butter, whey, and gelatin.) If you have any questions, ask away!


Is your donation palm oil-free or made with sustainably grown palm oil? We'll have labels on site if so—we love orangutans too!


Tables & other help

We can always use folding tables. Please contact us to arrange this.


If you'd like to simply make a cash donation, we will use it to purchase supplies like takeout containers, gloves, and ingredients for yet more baked goods. All excess cash will be donated directly to our beneficiaries. Contact us for details.

How you can help

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